New Cue Cards May to August 2022 | makkar new cue cards May to August 2022 | Makkar speaking cue cards 2022

 Updated New Cue Cards List May 2022

Hello IELTS candidates, here is a list of new Cue cards from May to August 2022.  As we all know the IELTS speaking module is one of the most important part of IELTS test.  However, it is also true that most students do not have much confidence in their speaking modules.  He was always worried about how they would respond effectively to the questions asked.  Sometimes they worry about their pronunciation, style of speaking, lack of ideas.  But don't worry about it.

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This is the solution to your worries, now we are providing you with a list of the latest talking cue cards from May to August 2022.  This list helps students who want to get good marks in IELTS exam and also increase their confidence level.  Teachers can read the sample.  Talk about answering these latest cue card topics and practicing on your own.  These are samples of the latest Cue cards from May to August 2022.  Pay special attention to the learners.  This is just a guess so you can still ask some different questions in the exam.  You can also read the Cue Cards for practice from last May to August 2022.

Cue Cards List

Describe a programme or an application that you think is useful. 
• What it is 
• how you know it 
• how to use it
and explain what it is useful

Describe a recent goal you set yourself 
• what it was 
• why you wanted it 
• what you did to go your goal

Describe a change company that you are interested in 
• what is it 
• what it business it does 
• how you know it is

Describe a challenge you faced recently
 • what it was 
• when it happened
 • how you faced it

Describe an article you read about healthy living 
• what it was about
 • when you read it
 • where you read it

Describe an interesting animal you have seen 
• what it was 
• where you saw it 
• what it was doing

Describe a (school or company) uniform you have worn 
• what it was 
• how you got it 
• what it looked like

Describe an important text message you received
 • what it was
 • when you got it 
• who you got it from

Describe a small company
• what this company is 
• how you know about it
• what it produces

Describe an ideal house or apartment you would like to live in
• where it is
• what it looks like
• what deatures it would have

Describe a practicle you learned
• what it was
• how you learned it
• and explaing how you felt about it

Desctibe a time when a member of your family asked you for help
• when it was
• who asked you for help
• what you did

Describe an occasion when you wore your best clothes
• when it was
• what you wore
• what it looked like

Describe a time when you could not use your nobile phone
• when it happned
• where you were?
• Why you could not use your phone

Describe a time you took a risk that may have gone wrong, but turned out well.
• What it was
• when you took it
• what it risk was

Describe a special day that you remember well
• where you were
• who you were with
• what you did

Describe an exciting event you have been it
• what it was
• what you did there
• who you were with

Describe an unusual travel experience you had
• where you went
• who you went with
• what happened

Describe a time someone apologised to you
• what happened
• who the person was
• why they apologised to you

Describe a time you got bored when you were with others
• when it was
• who you were with
• why you were bored

Describe an occasion when you celebrated your achievement
• what you achieved
• how you celebrated it
• who you celebrated it with

Describe an experience you had as a member of a team
• what the team was
• who you joined it
• what you did in the team

Describe an important jouney that was delayed
• where you were
• what happened
• why the journey was delyed

Describe a situation where you were surprised to meet a friend
• where it was
• who you met
• why you were surprised

Describe a city you have visited and want to go back in the future
• which city it is
• where it is
• what you did there

Describe a crowded place you have been to
• where it was
• when you went there
• why it was crowded

Describe a school you went to in your childhood 
• where it was 
• what it was like 
• what the teachers were like

Describe a place where you read and write apart from your home 
• where it is 
• how often you go there 
• what you do there

Describe a place full of colors 
• where it is 
• what it looks like 
• why you like to go there

Describe a historical building you have visited 
• where it is 
• what it looks like 
• why you went there

Describe a friend who is good leader 
• who this person is 
• who you know him/her 
• how he/she behaved

Describe a person you spend the most time with 
• who this person is 
• what kind of person he/she is 
• what you usually do together

Desctibe a person who taught something important 
• who this person is
• how you know this person 
• what this person taught you

Desctibe a person who is good at his or her job 
• who this person is 
• how you know them 
• what this person does

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Thanks Students,

we are providing you the predictable IELTS speaking September to December 2021 cue cards . All the best for your exam and please comment your views with us for making our website better. you can also ask any query. if you have any difficulty about any cue card new topic then you can comment on the post , therefore, we can help you to provide our best Services to you. You can also share your speaking exam experience with us through comment about a question which asked in the exam. we always love to help our candidates or readers.

Dear students these cue cards will be updated on a regular basis so you can also subscribe to receive our push notification and like our Facebook page for every update.

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